Professional Leadership And Development

Professional Leadership Training & Development

For Individuals and Organizations

If you know which training solution is right for you, we are ready to help. If not, our discovery process will pinpoint the challenges you are facing and identify which solutions can get you where you want to go.
Our Leadership Training and Development Courses will help you:
  • Improve communication and collaboration
  • Gain employee commitment and loyalty
  • Create a culture that grows and retains talent
  • Achieve organizational goals and objectives

Our Discovery Process

Discovery Phase

Many leaders acknowledge that they or their team would benefit from leadership development training, but with so many training providers and programs available, it’s hard to know who and what will help you get the results you need.

One thing that separates Inspiire Leadership is our Discovery Phase, where we get up close and personal with your organization. This allows us to listen to you and your goals, concerns, and recommendations and deliver customized programs that address the unique challenges you are facing.

Our Discovery Phase is comprised of in-depth conversations,  questionnaires, and leadership & behavioral assessments.  These discussions and assessments will help our Leadership Experts understand your organization’s relationships, strengths, challenges, goals, budget, expectations and other pertinent information.

Intentional Leadership Plan

Following the Discovery Phase, we take the that information and create a tailored training plan to develop your leaders, overcome your challenges, and fill the gaps in existing training. We call this your Intentional Leadership Plan (ILP). This set of personalized, expert recommendations is free of charge for any organization considering partnering with Inspiire Leadership.

You will also receive curriculum information for the recommended programs, client testimonials, and pricing. One of our Leadership Experts will schedule a call, via teleconference of in person, to walk you through your ILP, answer any questions that you have, discuss the strategy behind our recommendations, and cover logistics for if you decide to move forward.

The ILP is meant to provide leadership and training expert opinions about which programs are best suited to help you get where you want to go. That said, you of course are not confined to the programs included in your ILP if you decide to move forward.

Custom Training Programs

The Discovery Phase allows us to recommend the right programs, but more importantly, it allows us to deliver a personalized experience through every step of your training, leading to greater change & growth.

If you decide to undergo leadership coaching, the behavioral assessments will be instrumental in matching your leaders with a coach who has faced similar experiences, and is best positioned to help them reach their goals. If you sign up for a workshop, your facilitator will send supplies ahead of time to help you prepare, and our discussions from Discovery will allow us to tailor the workshop around your team’s relationships and challenges. Throughout your training programs, content will change course as gaps are uncovered.

At the end of your training, we will schedule a debrief call to help you understand the results and takeaways. We will also recommend follow-up steps so you can continue developing your leaders and moving your team forward!

Leadership Coaching

One-On-One Coaching

Show leaders you care enough to invest in them individually, and your team will respond stronger than you can imagine.

In one-on-one coaching we help you identify your goals and opportunities for growth, and offer training and guidance throughout a 6 months or 1 year program that’s customized to get you to where you want to go.

Leaders in your organization can reach their full potential with the expertise and support of our leadership coach.

Purchase Sessions

Team Coaching

Inspiire Leadership can guide your leadership team as a single unit to help you reach short- and long-term company goals.

Our team coaching programs improve teamwork and relationships, boost employee engagement, and create a culture of leadership that will encourage employees to buy-in to development like never before.

Team coaching programs are hand-made around your organization’s challenges, opportunities, culture, and relationships.


Our workshops will help you establish a culture of leadership, improve collaboration & relationships, get your team and leaders on a path of growth & development, and they never fail to kick-start team momentum!

Your workshop will be uniquely tailored and designed just for you, while addressing your organization’s unique challenges, opportunities for growth, and leadership goals. Our process and customization ensure your workshop is as impactful as it can be. When applicable, we send materials & assessments in advance, shift content as gaps are uncovered throughout the workshop, and analyze results in a debrief call at the end.

Blueprint For Success

Are you looking for a transformative experience for yourself as well as one that you can bring to others? 

The Blueprint for Success workshop is created specifically for those who are not only seeking greater clarity, purpose, passion, vision, and productivity for themselves, but for those who are also seeking to be a change-agent in their businesses and careers by offering this life-altering experience to others.

Unlike traditional events that call themselves “workshops” that just give you a bunch of content and tell you to go off to implement (leaving you to go figure out the rest on your own), at Blueprint For Success Workshop I believe in creating a transformational experience on the day of the workshop AND I have you roll up your sleeves to put it into action RIGHT AWAY.

I will help you with:

  • Zero in on your true passion and purpose, in work and life.
  • Gain a solid understanding of what makes you come alive and what holds you back.
  • Get clarity on your goals and where you want to go.
  • Create specific, measurable outcomes you want to achieve.
  • Break down your action plan.
  • Get insight into which activities provide the biggest payoff, financially & emotionally.

By the end of the day, you’ll walk away with clarity on your purpose and vision, as well as your unique, one of kind, blueprint to create unstoppable momentum in your business and life.

Own Your Story

Discover what truly fulfills you.

Reveal your true nature, the authentic you to live life on purpose.

There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to grow personally and increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be authentic. Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.

This workshop is centered around reclaiming who you are to your core. This is an opportunity to get to know yourself deep within through self-discovery, reflection, eliminating fear, exploring vulnerability, acceptance, and self-love.

Own Your Story is a hands-on workshop where audiences are coached to empower the authentic you with more meaning, purpose and fulfilment. Walk away with the skills to effectively convey the who, what, why, how of your personal and professional journey in any given situation.

Designed for business leaders and executives, corporate teams, conferences, and individuals.

This workshop is available as a half-day or full-day workshop.

Put Your Dream To The Test

What’s the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream?

In this one-day workshop you will discover that the answer lies in answering questions that only you can answer. Whether you have lost sight of an old dream or you are searching for a new one within you, Put Your Dream to the Test  provides a step-by-step action plan that you can start using immediately to see, own, and reach your dream. During this workshop we guide you through the ten questions required of every successful dreamer:

  • The Ownership Question
  • The Clarity Question
  • The Reality Question
  • The Passion Question
  • The Pathway Question
  • The People Question
  • The Cost Question
  • The Tenacity Question
  • The Fulfillment Question
  • The Significance Question

As we journey through each question we help you to create the right answers, giving you principles and tips so you can make good decisions and maximize every moment to achieve your dream. You’ll receive practical and powerful direction for your life by asking the ten questions that will help create a clear and compelling pathway to your dream.

Dreams are occupied by every individual. They come from hidden desires and possibilities. Everyone has dreams that occupy their minds, but it takes determination, engagement, a practical plan, and consistent effort to achieve them. Pursue your dream; begin today.

Personal Growth & Development

The Personal Growth and Development Workshop uses the third and final book in John Maxwell’s Laws series, 15 Laws of Invaluable Laws of Growth to take you on a personal growth journey that will:

  • help you reach your full potential.
  • help you become a lifelong learner.
  • how to become the person you want to be.
  • how to develop yourself so that you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

To reach your full potential, you must grow and develop yourself intentionally.  Apply these 15 laws to become all you can be.

This training curriculum will help you understand how personal growth really works, and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up a sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of life.

Authentic Leader Within

Discovering the Authentic Leader Within is a one-day workshop that guides teams through a proven process of understanding how each person can bring his or her very best instead of trying to conform to a preconceived definition of success. Leaders find the experience liberating and empowering because they get permission to be their authentic self.


The term mastermind was made famous by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich where he stated that a Mastermind is:
“Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose”.
The purpose of a mastermind group is to bring together likeminded people who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes to their lives in a collective group.

The mastermind meets an hour a week, once a week, for 5-8 weeks.  The meetings are confidential and run professionally with a curriculum and complete respect for each participant’s privacy as well as complete respect for each participant’s time is exercised.

There is a level of commitment on my part to deliver the best material to you in the allotted time with the utmost standards of professionalism as well as a level of commitment on your part to come to each meeting on time, prepared and with a positive attitude.

As we move through each lesson, as a group we will bring together our ideas and opinions that will help shape and mold our understanding of the material in a way that is far superior to simply reading a book on your own. We will be combining all of our minds to becoming a master mind.

The mastermind study will increase your awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader – raising the leadership lid to a new level. Mastermind Group participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.

Mastermind is not:
  • It’s not a class
  • It’s not group coaching
  • It’s not a networking group
Some Mastermind Courses
  • 15 Laws of Growth
  • Think and Grow Rich
  • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
  • Owning Your Story, For Real!

Hover/click on the book cover below for details.

Lunch N’ Learns

Lunch n’ Learns are also known as “learn at lunch” or “brown bag” events (“brown bag” refers to the way that people traditionally packed their lunch for work). Each session typically lasts for between 30 and 45 minutes.

Because they take place during lunch, they are generally voluntary and have a less formal atmosphere than a structured training session or seminar.

A Lunch n’ Learn event is an opportunity for co-workers from different teams to meet and share their skills and expertise. It could be on-site or off-site.

Some topics for Lunch n’ Learns

  • 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
  • Leadership Gold
  • Everyone Communicates Few Connect
  • Put Your Dreams to the Test
  • Becoming a Person of Influence
  • How to Be A REAL Success

Hover/click on the book cover below for details.

Available Lunch n’ Learns & Masterminds

To reach your potential you must grow. And to grow, you must be highly intentional about it. These 15 Laws are your guide to understanding personal growth and becoming a more effective and fulfilled individual. If you have the desire to grow and become better than you are today, this is for you.

 Available as a Lunch n’ Learn & Mastermind

Leadership Gold brims with nuggets of wisdom from John Maxwell’s 30+ years of studying, practicing, and teaching leadership. As we explore these lessons, you’ll encounter John’s passionate belief in the value of leadership, and you’ll benefit from his unique talent for articulating principles of influence.

Available as a Lunch n’ Learn

With influence, you can achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. Through humor, heart, and unique insight, John Maxwell shares what he has gleaned from decades of experience in both business and nonprofit arenas. Best of all, its insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.

Available as a Lunch n’ Learn

Inside Everyone Communicates, Few Connect are five principles and five practices to connect one-on-one, in a group, or with an audience. You’ll see all of your relationships, from your boss to your kids, from your teammates to your neighbors, take a quantum leap.

 Available as a Lunch n’ Learn & Mastermind

Are you willing to Put Your Dream to the Test? Your dream has power. It can inspire you. It can empower you. But will it reward you? In this course to reaching your dreams, John Maxwell shows you how to do the things needed to realize your potential, map out your goals, and make your dream come true.

Available as a Lunch n’ Learn

In How to be a REAL Success, John Maxwell will help you understand the keys you need to succeed in life. Whether you are a civil servant or a corporate executive, you will achieve great things by understanding four very important success building areas: Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership.

Available as a Lunch n’ Learn

Speaking Training Services:

Workshops, Classes, Keynotes, & Coaching
No matter how great, experienced or eloquent a speaker is, he or she often wish they had better public speaking skills. The more you do something the better you become at it.

Our highly interactive public speaking classes will enable your confidence to rise and allow you to eliminate fear and doubt. We provide the kind of training that will last a lifetime. We are a team of well-trained motivational speakers, trainers and coaches that are committed to working with you to achieve your goals and will transform you into the kind of speaker you’ve always wanted to become.

What you’ll learn

  • How to get rid of the Fear of Public Speaking
  • Deliver a high-energy, engaging workshop
  • How to develop a connection to your audience as a public speaker
  • Use slide presentations and other enhancements in a professional manner
  • Stay on time and easily remember your content
  • Develop and market your own workshop or program
  • Become a keynote speaker
  • Facilitate interactive training

Whether it’s a training or sales presentation that didn’t quite go as planned or a boring presentation that put the audience to sleep. There are lots of opportunities turned down because of a fear of public speaking, all of us have faced situations where better public speaking skills would have altered the course of our life.

This is especially true for people who suffer from a crippling fear of public speaking, fear which often holds them back from opportunities for leadership and advancement.

How to Get Better at Public Speaking

Everyone, whether they’re beginners, intermediate or advanced, can benefit from improved public speaking skills. The better your public speaking, the greater your success – in business and in life!

And when it comes to training public speaking, no one does it better than Effective Presentations. If you want to achieve higher levels of success in sales, leadership, management and life, an investment in our Public Speaking Training workshop is the best investment you can make!

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking Forever

When you experience our professional Public Speaking Training you will learn to eliminate the fear of public speaking that has plagued you for years. Our professional public speaking trainer will identify your sticking points and show you how to overcome these problems so you can move ahead to the next level.

These hands-on public speaking workshops provide a powerful learning experience! Facilitated by Nationally Certified Trainers, these public speaking classes are guaranteed to transform the way you communicate forever.

Reach out if you have a teen or a group of teens that you would like to get involved in my Leadership Development Program

Corporate Public Speaking Training for Your Business

The vast majority of our public speaking skills training is conducted onsite at our client’s locations.  If you’re seeking a business presentation skills training for your group, contact me today and experience the Effective Presentations difference!

Take-Aways and Classes Benefits:

  • Personal Training:We work with you in a small group setting and one on one, giving you all the attention you need to establish training that’s tailor made for you.
  • A Proven Track Record:Ask any of our past clients, we find out your public speaking goals and we get you to realize them.
  • A Flexible Approach:We don’t specialize in just one type of public speaking or presentation skill, such as debating or sales presentations. We teach general public speaking skills that you can apply to all of the different forms of public speaking you may want to try out.
  • Our Outcomes:Our highly successful training curriculum produces dramatic, measurable improvements in communication skills, on both an individual and team level. According to past participants, it’s the best training they’ve ever had. They walk away not only feeling prepared for the next public speaking situation but looking forward to it.

Learn in a Healthy Non-Threatening Environment

One powerful tool we use is to put you in front of a friendly video camera and make you the star!  Your appearances are then played back, and you receive immediate and appropriate feedback.   You are not alone in this.  We will guide you with the most applicable advice and practical methods which will allow you to instantly see results.   Our personalized approach means that every participant gets focused and personal attention to deal with their specific concerns and developmental needs.

Whether you’re looking to become a charismatic business leader, or just work up the courage to speak at your cousin’s wedding, we have what you’re looking for. Contact us today to learn more about the difference Speaking Services from Inspiire Leadership can make in your life.


The two phases of our Keynote Coaching Segment; Content and Creation. The C&C process will guide you through that process and improve your presentation skills.

Keynote Presentation – Creating Content

This process begins with determining the blueprint of the keynote that is going to best serve your audience needs and reflect your expertise.  In this phase, we will:

  • Define your idea audience.
  • Identify the problem you’re there to solve on behalf of your audience.
  • Pinpoint your specific keynote theme (or intention).
  • Develop a structured, detailed framework of the presentation, from opening or closing.

Keynote Presentation – Delivery

Once the keynote outline is developed, it’s time to dig deeper and build the stories and content, and get your keynote off the ground. You will:

  • Build the Four Quadrants
  • Bring your stories to life (develop and finesse your stories).
  • Streamline and strengthen your performance (minimizing any vocal or physical liabilities).
  • Learn how to internalize the material.
  • Proper Preparation; rehearse the material for best engagement, flow, and impact.

Leadership Training for Youth & Teens


Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn for Teens

Lessons on learning from failure extends to all generations.  Available as a group study or seminar, this resource is designed to give youth a healthy perspective of failure and empower them to learn from their experiences.

Reach out if you have a teen or a group of teens that you would like to get involved in my Leadership Development Program

Other John Maxwell Books

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is the result of lessons and observations from John Maxwell’s nearly 50 years of leadership experience. In this revealing study of leadership, Maxwell explores the time-tested laws that govern personal and organizational effectiveness.

Every negative event or loss that occurs can become a great opportunity for you to grow. That is, if you are willing to learn from it. In Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn, you will develop a healthy perspective of failure and learn how to bounce back from life’s disappointments.

It’s not enough for a leader to have vision, energy, drive, and conviction. If you want to see your dream come to fruition, your business grow, or the performance of your team improve, you must learn how to Develop the Leaders Around You.

In Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, you will learn to become a successful leader by asking the right questions. We will explore questions you should ask yourself as well as members of your team with the goal of connecting with people, challenging yourself and those you lead, and developing better ideas.

Today Matters shows you how to seize the day. This hands-on and inspiring guide offers twelve daily practices to help you take control of your daily agenda, make time for people you love, and find success in your career or business – every day.

Deep down, what does every person want most? To live a life that matters. We all want to make a difference. How do we achieve that? By choosing to live each day so that we intentionally add value to others. Through Intentional Living, you will learn how to write your own life’s story – one of significance.

Contact Shellinda Miller

4008 Breakwater Dr. Portsmouth VA  23703
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Contact Shellinda Miller

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have regarding Professional Leadership Development Training, Coaching, Workshops, Mastermind, Lunch N Learn, or Youth Leadership Development – please reach out.

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